Manuel Ryan Espinosa  Product Designer
MHCID, Master of Human Computer Interaction & Design

Summary | The Life Saver Data Model App

Summary | The Life Saver App

Date: Sep 2018
My Role: Product Designer
Skills: UX Research / Visual Design
/ Interaction Design / Usability Testing / Motion Prototyping / Sketching
Tools: XD / Photoshop  / Sketching
Client: UCI MHCID Project
Team of 1:Product Designer, Copy Editor, Usability Tester, Video Director, Actor


Currently cancer detection through MRI imaging is only detectable after cancerous tumors have begun developing within a patient’s body. Many early deaths have occured from missed detection of cancerous tumors via MRI imagery and misdiagnosis. MRI cancer specialist would be able to save countless lives from the onset of cancerous tumors if they could detect cancer in the early stages of development before the human body has turned cancerous tissue into a harmful malignant tumor.

A second issue that needs to be solved within the medical community are security breaches. Hospital computer systems have been shut down as well as medical devices, such as pacemakers that have been hacked various times in the past few years putting patients lives at serious risk.


Research has revealed that Utilizing Artificial Intelligence and the new Amazon Machine Learning API called Tensorflow to learn from all of the cancerous MRI images fed into the Amazon system would allow for early cancer detection. Because of this new technological capability,  a new cancer feature can be added to existing MRI Machines to allow for early cancer detection. This will eventually give researchers the opportunity to detect cancerous tumors up to five years in advance. Without a doubt this will result in the prevention of cancerous suffering for countless lives throughout the world.

In order to secure the patients data, the new Blockchain system will be used to store the patients data in a way that is about 1 billion times more secure than the security systems that are currently implemented by the banking industry today.

A new Universal Health Care Data icon has also been designed for placement on all Blockchain protected devices and software to give patients confidence and piece of mind, in the handling of his or her medical data.

Below is also an image depicting a mental model of how various technologies will come together to create a new cancer detection feature on existing MRI machines.

Project Details

Design Process
Research Process
Design Process PDF
Research Process PDF
Capstone Presentation Slides PDF
Video: N/A
Design Process
Research Process
Los Angeles Metro Areamico@nolimitsgallery.comCell 949.278.0625